
VNR 100 • Configuration and Hardware Setup 13
3. Click Login. The VNR 100 Recorder Settings page opens:
Network settings [eth0]
Recorder settings
User settings
Data disk
IP Address
Subnet Mask
Controller IP
Controller port
New password
Confirm New password
mounted to /home/matrix_rec/Recording_Files
Disk free space: 19GB->98% used
formated to ext3
Apply Changes
Cancel Changes
VNMatrix recorder settings
Figure 10. VNR 100 Web Page
4. Enter the IP Address, Subnet Mask, and Gateway address of the recorder.
5. Enter the Controller IP address, Controller port number and maximum
transmission unit (MTU) setting of the controller.
6. Enter a New password and Confirm New password.
7. Click Apply Changes to save the settings (or click Cancel Changes to exit without
saving the information).
ATTENTION: There is no indication whether you have been successful or
unsuccessful in connecting to the Enterprise Controller. To verify that the recorder
has linked to the controller, you must log on to the controller and ensure that the
recorder is in the device list.
IP Address and Subnet mask — are assigned to the ETH0 NIC on the VNR100.
Gateway — is the IP address of the gateway that is assigned to the ETH0 NIC on
the VNR100. If no gateway exists, the IP address should be the same as the system
Controller IP Address — is the IP address of the Enterprise Controller used to control
the VNR100.
Controller Port — is the port number is used by all VN_Matrix devices to communicate
with the Enterprise Controller. The value should only be changed if the Enterprise
Controller has been configured to accept communications on a different port number.
Under normal circumstances the setting should remain at the default setting (5432).
Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) — is used to set the packet size, in bytes, that
is used to transmit data over the network. The default is 1500 bytes. This setting is
for advanced use only. Under normal circumstance do not change this value from the
default value. If the MTU value is incorrectly set, the MATRIX system may malfunction.
New password — Change the default password for the config account if required. The
User account name cannot be changed.
Data (media) disk —This area provides information about the media drive on the
VNR100. For full instructions on replacing the media drive, please see the VNR 100
Media Drive Replacement Kit Installation Guide, at www.extron.com.