
IPI 100 Series, IPI 200 Series • Conguration and Control
the HelpDesk’s Listen button is rst activated or when the
intercom user presses a Push to Talk button and connects
with a help desk. The intercom plays a 2-tone beep when
the Listen button is deactivated or the Push to Talk button
is pressed and released to end a call. If this check box is
cleared, the intercom does not sound to indicate an incoming
Input meter enabled only during TALK — When this box
is checked, the PC (console) microphone audio level (VU)
meter is disabled until the help desk operator clicks the Talk
button and activates the microphone at the PC.
Place HelpDesk utility in system tray when minimized — If this
check box is selected, when the help desk software is
minimized, it is put into the Windows notication area
(formerly known as the system tray), in the taskbar in the
lower right corner of the
Push to Talk (PTT) Options — These settings affect the
HelpDesk Talk button, and only one of these options can be
selected at a time.
PTT (Push-To-Talk) — When PTT is selected, the console’s Talk
and Listen buttons and microphone can be activated by
pressing and holding the space bar or by clicking the Talk
and Listen buttons and holding down the left mouse button.
Toggle (Push On/Push Off) — When Toggle is selected, you
activate and deactivate the Talk and Listen buttons and
microphone by clicking on the Talk and Listen buttons and
releasing it or by pressing and releasing the keyboard’s
Incoming Call Alert — These settings determine whether
or not the help desk operator sees and/or hears an alert
that an intercom is calling. Select one or both types of call
If more than one intercom is calling the help desk, the pop-
up window for the first call is the only pop-up window
Visual Popup Notification — If
you select this option, when
an intercom user presses a
button, the help desk operator
sees a pop-up alert like the one
shown here, and the intercom
user hears a “please hold”