DHCP radio buttons
The DHCP On radio button directs the GSS 100 to ignore any entered IP addresses and
to obtain its IP address from a Dynamic Host Conguration Protocol (DHCP) server (if the
network is DHCP capable). The DHCP Off radio button turns DHCP off. Contact the local
system administrator to determine if DHCP is appropriate.
NOTE: The IP Address, Gateway IP Address, and Subnet Mask fields become
uneditable if DHCP is on.
IP Address field
The IP Address eld contains the IP address of the connected GSS 100. This value is
encoded in the ash memory of the GSS 100.
Standard IP protocol consists of addresses comprised of four 1-, 2-, or 3-digit numeric
subelds, properly called “octets,” separated by dots (periods). Each eld can be numbered
from 000 through 255. Leading zeroes, up to three digits total per eld, are optional. Values
of 256 and above are invalid.
The factory-installed default address is, but if this conicts with other
equipment at your installation, you can change the IP address to any valid value.
NOTE: IP address changes can cause conicts with other equipment. Only local system
administrators should change IP addresses.
Gateway IP Address field
The Gateway IP Address field identifies the address of the gateway to the mail server to
be used if the GSS 100 and the mail server are not on the same subnet. Standard IP protocol
rules apply to the gateway IP address.
The factory-installed default address is, but if this conicts with other
equipment at your installation, you can change the gateway IP address to any valid value.
Subnet Mask field
The Subnet Mask eld is used to determine whether the GSS 100 is on the same subnet as
the mail server when you are subnetting.
The factory-installed default address is, but if this conicts with other
equipment at your installation, you can change the subnet mask to any valid value.
MAC Address, Model, and Part Number fields
The Media Access Control (MAC) Address, Model, and Part Number are hardcoded in the
GSS 100 and cannot be changed.
Firmware field
The Firmware field identifies the installed firmware version. This field is hardcoded in the
GSS 100 and can be changed only by installing a different rmware version (see “Firmware
Upgrade Page”).
GSS 100 Graphic Still Store • HTML Control and IPL File Manager 35