
Command and Response Table for IP- and Port-specific SIS Commands
Symbol definitions
X4) = Device name (Up to 240 alphanumeric characters)
NOTE: The following characters are invalid or not recommended in the name: {space} + ~ , @ = ` [ ] { } < > ‘ “ ” ; : | \ and ?.
X4! = Default name GSS-100- + last 3 pairs of MAC address
X4@ = Time and date (for set) In the format: MM/DD/YY•HH:MM:SS where: MM = month: 01 (Jan) through 12 (Dec)
DD = day: 01 through 31
YY = year: (20)00 through (20)99
HH = hour: 00 through 23
MM = minutes: 00 through 59
SS = seconds: 00 through 59
X4# = Time and date (for read) In the format: Day,•DD•Mmm•YYYY•HH:MM:SS where: Day = weekday: Mon through Sun
DD = date: 01 through 31
Mmm = month: Jan through Dec
YYYY = year: 2000 through 2099
HH = hour: 00 through 24
MM = minutes: 00 through 59
SS = seconds: 00 through 59
X4$ = GMT offset –12.0 through +14.0. Hours and minutes removed from GMT
X4% = Daylight Saving Time 0 = Daylight Saving Time off/ignore 2 = Daylight Saving Time on (Europe)
1 = Daylight Saving Time on (North America) 3 = Daylight Saving Time on (Brazil)
X4^ = IP address nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn
X4& = Hardware (MAC) address nn-nn-nn-nn-nn-nn
X4* = Number of open connections 0 – 255
X4( = Password 12 alphanumeric characters
NOTE: The following characters are invalid or not recommended in passwords: {space} + ~ , @ = ` [ ] { } < > ‘ “ ” ; : | \ and ?.
X5) = DHCP 0 =off, 1 = on
X5! = Port number 00 – 99 (00 = all ports)
X5@ = Baud rate 2400, 3600, 4800, 7200, 9600, 14400, 19200, 28800, 38400, 57600, 115200
X5# = Parity odd, even, none, mark, space
NOTE: For the
parameter, use the first character only. The parameter is case insensitive.
X5$ = Data bits 7 or 8 (8 = default)
X5% = Stop bits 1 or 2 (1 = default)
X5^ = Port timeout The number of seconds (in 10-second steps) before timeout on the IP connections:
minimum = 1 (10 seconds), maximum = 6500 (65,000 seconds or just over 18 hours),
default = 30 (300 seconds or 5 minutes). If no data is received during the timeout period, the Ethernet
connection is closed. Applicable to Ethernet connection only; when connected via the RS-232 port, only
the global timeout commands apply.
X5& = Verbose mode 0 = clear or none (default for Telnet connection)
1 = verbose mode (default for RS-232 or RS-422 connection)
2 = tagged responses for queries
3 = verbose mode and tagged for queries
NOTE: If tagged responses is enabled, all read commands return the constant string and the value as the set command does
(for example, the read matrix name command ECN
returns IpnX4)
GSS 100 Graphic Still Store • Programming Guide 26