DXP DVI, DXP DVI Pro, and DXP HDMI Series • HTML Operation 121
Global Presets Page
You can save and recall global presets from the Global Presets page. To access the
Global Presets page, click the Control tab, then the Presets link on the left sidebar
Figure 117. Global Presets Page
Saving a preset
Save the current configuration (configuration 0) as a preset as follows:
1. Click the Save Preset button. It changes to Select Preset....
2. Select the desired preset by clicking one of the preset buttons.
• To create a new preset, click one of the [unassigned] buttons.
• To overwrite an existing preset, click its button.
3. Enter a name for the preset in the text field.
NOTES: • Preset names are limited to 12 characters. Valid characters are 0
through 9, a through z, and A through Z.
• The following characters are invalid or not recommended in preset
names: + ~ , @ = ` [ ] { } < > ‘ ’ “ ” ; : | \ ? and
4. Click the Accept button.
• If you do not rename an unassigned button, the DXP names the preset as
“Preset nn” (nn is the next available number).
• If you do not rename an existing preset when it is overwritten, the DXP retains the
same name.
Recalling a preset
To recall a global preset to be the current configuration, click the button for the desired
preset on the Global Presets page.