Serial Communication, cont’d
DVS 304 • Serial Communication
Error responses
When the DVS 304 receives a valid command, it executes the command and sends
a response to the host device. If the unit is unable to execute the command because
the command contains invalid parameters, it returns an error response to the host.
• E01—Invalidinputnumber
• E10—Invalidcommand
• E11—Invalidpresetnumber
• E12—Invalidportnumber
• E13—Invalidparameter
• E14—Notvalidforthisconguration
• E17—Invalidcommandforsignaltype
• E22—Busy
• E24—Privilegeviolation
• E25—Devicenotpresent
• E26—Maximumnumberofconnectionsexceeded
• E27—InvalidEventnumber
• E28—BadFilename/Filenotfound
References to errors (at command descriptions on the following pages
= Commands that give E14 (Invalid Command for this configuration) if sent to
Extron product whose current configuration does not support the command.
= Commands that give E24 (Privilege violation) if not administrator level
= Commands that may give E27 (Invalid Event number)
= Commands that may give E28 (File not found)