DVS 304 • Installation and Operation
Only inputs 2 and 4 offer selectable video types. From the Input Configuration
menu, pressing the Next key successively displays submenus with the input
video types for Inputs 2 and 4. The SDI input (where applicable) can be
assigned to any input from the Input Configuration menu.
Input 1 video type
Input 1 can only input composite video, no other video types are selectable for this
Input 2 video type
Rotate either the Adjust horizontal ([) knob or Adjust vertical ({) knob while in
the Input 2 submenu to select the appropriate video format (composite, S-video,
YUV, YUVp, YUV Auto) for input 2.
When input 2 is set to YUV Auto, the scaler will detect if YUVi or YUVp is applied
and will set the input accordingly. The default is YUVi video.
Input 3 video type
Input 3 can only input S-video, no other video types are selectable for this input.
The SDI input (if any) can be assigned to any input from the Input Configuration
Input 4 video type
Rotate the Adjust horizontal ([) knob while in the Input 4 submenu to select the
appropriate video format (Composite, S-video, RGBcvS, YUV, YUVp, RGB scaled,
RGB pass-through, Auto detect).
When input 4 is set as “auto detect”, the scaler will switch to the new configuration
whenever it detects an input type change. The default is RGB scaled.
SDI input (SDI IN
Rotate either the Adjust horizontal ([) knob or Adjust vertical ({) knob while in
the SDI Input submenu to select the input # for the SDI input. The SDI input can be
assigned to inputs 1, 2, 3, 4, or none (*). The default is none.
After the SDI input is no longer assigned to an input, either because it has been
assigned to a new input or is set to none, the input reverts back to the last video
type that was assigned to it.
SDI de-interlacer options
Rotate either the Adjust horizontal ([) knob or Adjust vertical ({) knob while in
the SDI Deinter submenu to set the appropriate de-interlacing method (Standard
or Flip). If the SDI input is displayed with a significant amount of jaggies, use this
setting to flip the odd and even fields when de-interlacing the incoming SDI signal.
The default is Standard.