CrossPoint 450 Plus and MAV Plus Switchers • Matrix Software
Gateway IP address fi eld
The Gateway IP Address fi eld identifi es the address of the gateway to the mail
server to be used if the matrix switcher BME 0 and the mail server are not on the
same subnet.
Valid IP addresses consist of four 1-, 2-, or 3-digit numeric subfi elds separated by
dots (periods). Each fi eld can be numbered from 000 through 255. Leading zeroes,
up to 3 digits total per fi eld, are optional. Values of 256 and above are invalid.
Edit this fi eld as follows:
1. Click in the Gateway IP Address fi eld. The graphic cursor becomes a text
2. Edit the address as desired.
3. Press the Tab key on the keyboard or click in another fi eld to exit the
Gateway IP Address fi eld.
4. Click the Take button to make the address change take affect.
Subnet Mask fi eld
The Subnet Mask fi eld is used to determine whether the matrix switcher BME 0
is on the same subnet as the controlling PC or the mail server when you are
subnetting. For more information, see Subnetting — A Primer, in Appendix A,
Ethernet Connection.
Edit this fi eld as follows:
1. Click in the Subnet Mask fi eld. The graphic cursor becomes a text cursor.
2. Edit the mask as desired.
3. Press the Tab key on the keyboard or click in another fi eld to exit the Subnet
Mask fi eld.
4. Click the Take button to make the mask take affect.
Hardware Address fi eld
The hardware address is hardcoded in the matrix switcher BME 0 and cannot be
Use DHCP checkbox
The Use DHCP checkbox directs the matrix switcher BME 0 to ignore any entered
IP addresses and to obtain its IP address from a Dynamic Host Confi guration
Protocol (DHCP) server (if the network is DHCP capable). Contact the local system
Date fi eld
The Date fi eld displays the current date in the Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) zone.
If necessary, adjust the date as follows:
1. Click in the Date fi eld. A set date fi eld appears with
the date in the format (M)M/(D)D/YYYY. Leading
zeroes are not used. The graphic cursor becomes a text
cursor in the set date fi eld.
2. Edit the fi eld as desired to set the proper date. Leading zeroes are optional.
3. Press the Tab key on the keyboard or click in another fi eld to exit the set date
fi eld.
4. Click the Take button to make the date change take affect.