
Matrix Software, cont’d
CrossPoint 450 Plus and MAV Plus Switchers • Matrix Software
3. If you selected IP [LAN] in step 2, the IP Connection window appears
(fi gure 5-2).
Figure 5-2 — Address and password entry
a. Examine the Extron IP Address fi eld in the IP Connection window. The
eld displays the last Extron IP address entered.
If the IP address is correct: Proceed to step 3b.
If the address is not correct: Either click in the Extron IP Address fi eld
and enter the IP address or click on the scroll down button (
) and select
from among the recently used addresses. Proceed to step 3b.
If the local system administrators have not changed the value, the factory-
specifi ed default,, is the correct value for this fi eld.
b. If the switcher is password protected, click in the Password fi eld and
enter the enter the appropriate administrator or user password.
c. Click Connect.
If you logged on using the administrator password, the Windows
program connects you to the matrix switcher BME 0 with all of the
administrator rights and privileges.
If you logged on using the user password, the Windows program
connects you to the matrix switcher BME 0 with only user capabilities.
If an incorrect password was entered, the program beeps and returns to
the password entry display.