Sybase SNMP subagent
Sybase SNMP subagent
The Sybase SNMP subagent allows SNMP-based network monitoring and
error notification for Sybase servers. This subagent features:
• Support for V1, V2c, and V3 SNMP
• Trap generation on server errors via the
sp_errornotify remote procedure
• Support for Adaptive Server and Open Server-based Sybase servers
• JavaSource code distribution for the subagent
Net-SNMP Master Agent
The sybase SNMP Subagent uses the Agent X protocol for extending the
capabilities of a master agent. It works with any master agent that implements
the Agent X protocol. Included with this subagent is a distribution of the Net-
SNMP master agent. This is a very feature-rich master agent available through
the public domain. More information on it can be found
at http://www.net-
. The Sybase subagent was implemented and tested against version
5.0.1 of the Net-SNMP master agent.
Note Mac OS X Server 10.2 ships with version 4.2.3 of the Net-SNMP agent
already installed. This version does not work correctly with Agent X
extensions. Future releases of OS X may automatically include the newer
version of Net-SNMP making its installation unnecessary.
To install the Net-SNMP master agent, see the Readme.txt file included in its
distribution. Once the Net-SNMP agent is configured and installed, edit
/System/Library/StartupItems/SNMP/SNMP to add the parameter “
-x 705”
which enables the Agent X extension. When you are finished, the file should
look like this:
# Start net-snmp