CHAPTER 1 Installing Adaptive Server
• Click localhost under the machines directory.
• Choose Duplicate.
• Click on localhost copy under values and change it to your machine’s
• Apply the changes.
3 Test the update by executing:
ping ‘hostname -s’
Installing from a CD
If you are installing from a CD, insert the CD into the drive, and when it
becomes visible on your desktop, double-click the icon. A Finder window
appears, showing the contents of the CD. Double-click the Sybase_ASE_12502
package, and the installer begins. Follow the steps described in the next
sections to complete the installation process.
If you intend to install on a headless system, you must make this package
visible to that system. You can use the Finder to copy the package to a location
that is visible to the headless system (NFS-mounted file system), and then
review “Installation on Xserve” on page 10.
Downloading the software
1 The Sybase Web site is located at http://www.sybase.com/mac.
2 Select the Download Now button. You are asked to answer a few questions
and provide registration information. You will be downloading the
Devloper’s Edition, which is free, and only takes a few minutes. The
download file is an OS X disk image (.dmg), which allows it to be mounted
on your desktop as a new volume.