LDAP directory services versus the Sybase interfaces file
72 Adaptive Server Enterprise
The traditional interfaces file with TCP connection and a failover machine
looks like:
master tcp ether huey 5000
query tcp ether huey 5000
hafailover secondary
An example of an LDAP entry with TCP and a failover machine looks like:
dn: sybaseServername=foobar, dc=sybase,dc=com
objectClass: sybaseServer
sybaseVersion: 1500
sybaseServername: foobar
sybaseService: ASE
sybaseStatus: 4
sybaseAddress: TCP#1#foobar 5000
sybaseRetryCount: 12
sybaseRetryDelay: 30
sybaseHAServernam: secondary
All entries in the LDAP directory service are called entities. Each entity has a
distinguished name (DN) and is stored in a hierarchical tree structure based on
its DN. This tree is call the directory information tree (DIT). Client
applications use a DIT base to specify where entities are stored. See
libtcl*.cfg file” on page 73.
sybaseAddress String Each server address includes:
• Protocol: TCP, NAMEPIPE, SPX DECNET (entry is case
• Address: any valid address for the protocol type.
Note dscp splits this attribute into Transport type and Transport
sybaseSecurity (optional) String Security OID (object ID).
sybaseRetryCount Integer This attribute is mapped to CS_RETRY_COUNT, which specifies
the number of times that ct_connect retries the sequence of network
addresses associated with a server name.
sybaseRetryDelay Integer This attribute is mapped to CS_LOOP_DELAY, which specifies the
delay, in seconds, that
ct_connect waits before retrying the entire
sequence of addresses.
String A secondary server for failover protection.
Attribute name Value type Description