94 Adaptive Server Enterprise
For example, if your client’s language is Latin, the Spanish language
module is installed, and Spanish is specified as the Adaptive Server default
language, the client receives messages in Spanish.
By default, the Adaptive Server and Backup Server configurations use the
English locale settings, which include:
• Character set definition files for Western European character sets
• Sort-order definition files for Western European character sets
• U.S. English system message files
During the installation process or through reconfiguration, you can specify a
different language, character set, and sort order.
Localization directories
Sybase localization configuration involves the following directories:
• locales
• charsets
The table below illustrates the structure of the localization files. It does not
show a complete list of all the files.
%SYBASE%\ or
charsets charset_name *.srt files
charset_name... charset.loc
unicode *.uct files
locales language_name charset_name
language_name... charset_name...
message language_name