rect the problem, check battery installation. Numbers will appear on the display panel,
if they don’t, adjust the brightness control wheel (see diagram, facing page).
Each time GameTime™ is turned on, the clock will reset for a new game. The ON/OFF
button is located on the underside to prevent turning the clock off during play, acciden-
tally or otherwise! Another safeguard is built in – to turn GameTime™ off, you must
hold the ON/OFF button down for a few seconds.
How about a nice game of Chess?
Let’s set up GameTime™ for your first game – a “sudden-death” contest with five min-
utes for each side. This time control is officially called “Game in 5 minutes.” Most of
us call this kind of game “blitz” or “speed chess,” and it’s what we play for fun and for
For the sake of this example, you take the White pieces.
1. Black, in this case your opponent chooses the side of the board (left or right) he
wishes the clock to be placed on. Right-handed players will most likely choose
to place the clock on the right. (USCF rules require you to move and hit the clock
with the same hand.)
2. Level GameTime’s™ PLUNGERS.
3. Slide the PAUSE/PLAY switch to PAUSE.
4. Reset GameTime™ by holding down the ON/OFF button on the underside of the
clock for a few seconds. Now release the button and press it again to turn
GameTime™ on.
5. Press the WHITE button until the word “FIRST” appears on your side of the
6. Next, let’s choose the time control. Press the SELECT button, PRESET 05 will
probably appear on the display.
If a different preset appears on the display, change to PRESET 05 by pressing the
+ or – keys. You’ve set up a standard time control of five minutes for each play-
er. The chart of “PRESET DEFINITIONS” on GameTime’s™ underside shows
you the number codes that correspond to your 96 presets. (For practice, find
“G/05m” on the chart.)