To control the DELAY or ACCUM scope:
1. Slide the PAUSE/PLAY switch to PAUSE
2. Press SELECT until you see the words DELAY (or ACCUM) and ALL in the
3. Use the + button to SELECT On or OFF.
SELECT On to apply the count-down delay (or bonus time) to any primary and
secondary time controls you’ve set in addition to sudden-death. SELECT OFF
to apply the count-down delay (or bonus time) to sudden-death only.
4. Press VERIFY or slide the PLAY/PAUSE switch to PLAY .
Enabling WORD mode for “Negative” count-up time
For Word games time never runs out, so when the main time has counted down to zero,
the clock enters overtime. In overtime the time is counted up instead of down. When in
WORD mode, the GameTime™ shows the overtime condition by turning on the appro-
priate players FLAG. Some digital clocks that do not have a FLAG symbol, place a
minus sign in front of the time to indicate it is displaying overtime time.
NOTE: While in WORD mode, the DELAY feature is not available.
To activate the Word mode feature:
1. Slide the PAUSE/PLAY switch to PAUSE.
2. Press the SELECT button until you see the word WORD on the display.
3. Use the + button to select On.
4. Press VERIFY or slide the PAUSE/PLAY switch to PLAY .
Controlling the display of Seconds for time over 10 minutes
GameTime™ normally always shows the remaining seconds. For times less than 10
minutes, the remaining seconds are shown to the right of the colon (:) symbol. For time
greater than 10 minutes the remaining seconds are shown in two smaller digits next to
the three large minutes digits. If you prefer to only see the large three minutes digits,
you may turn off the display of remaining seconds on the small digits.
To control the small digit display of remaining seconds feature: