Stylus Photo 720 Revision B
Troubleshooting Troubleshooting with LED Error Indications and Status Monitor 3 Message 64
Ink low condition On-> Blink
[Bk I/C]
Blink -> Blink
[Col I/C]
Blink -> Blink2
Note : Even if this error is indicated on the STM3, you can continue the printing
until I/C becomes ink end condition. However, the head cleaning operation
cannot be done so that the remaining ink is low condition.
This error is detected when the ink consumption
amount reaches about 90%.
When the ink low condition is detected, Error
reset LED is blinking. The printer continue to
keep this LED status even if brand new ink
cartridge is installed at the I/C replacement
Then, when the CR unit returns to the home
position, this LED status is reset (LED is off).
Communication error Off Off
This error is detected when the printer cannot
communicate with the PC correctly.
" A -> B " : A is a indicator condition when the CR unit is in the home position.
B is a indicator condition in the ink replacement sequence.
Blink : On 0.5sec + Off 0.5sec
Blink2 : On 0.2sec + Off 0.2sec + On 0.2sec + Off 0.4sec
Table 3-3. Error indication and status monitor 3
Printer status
Status monitor 3 message Condition for error detection
Power Error