EPSON Stylus PHOTO 810/820/830 Revision B
Troubleshooting Troubleshooting with LED Error Indications and Status Monitor 3 Message 63
No ink cartridge
(Black and Color)
On On
This error is detected when ;
1) the ink cartridge is not installed to the CR
2) the ink cartridge is defective.
Ink end error On-> Blink
[Bk I/C]
On -> Blink
[Col I/C]
On -> Blink2
This error is detected when ;
1) the ink consumption amount reaches 100%
2) the ink cartridge is defective.
The slight amount of the ink is remaining in the
I/C even if the ink end error is detected. This is
to prevent the Printhead nozzle from the
printing operation without firing the ink.
" A -> B " : A is a indicator condition when the CR unit is in the home position.
B is a indicator condition in the ink replacement sequence.
Blink : On 0.5sec + Off 0.5sec
Blink2 : On 0.2sec + Off 0.2sec + On 0.2sec + Off 0.4sec
Table 3-3. Error indication and status monitor 3
Printer status
Status monitor 3 message Condition for error detection
Power Error