
Description of the menu options
ELSA MicroLink Cable
These statistics include the following values:
TFTP-cable-rx-read-request Number of TFTP read requests received from the cable network
TFTP-cable-rx-write-request Number of TFTP write requests received from the cable network
TFTP-cable-rx-data Number of TFTP data packets received from the cable network
TFTP-cable-rx-ack. Number of TFTP acknowledges received from the cable network
TFTP-cable-rx-option-ack. Number of TFTP option acknowledges received from the cable net-
TFTP-cable-rx-errors Number of TFTP error packets received from the cable network
TFTP-cable-rx-bad-packets Number of unknown TFTP packets received from the cable network
TFTP-cable-tx Number of TFTP packets sent to the cable network
TFTP-cable-tx-data Number of TFTP data packets sent to the cable network
TFTP-cable-tx-ack. Number of TFTP acknowledges sent to the cable network
TFTP-cable-tx-option-ack. Number of TFTP option acknowledges sent to the cable network
TFTP-cable-tx-errors Number of TFTP error packets sent to the cable network
TFTP-cable-tx-repeats Number of TFTP packets repeatedly sent to the cable network
TFTP-cable-connections Number of TFTP connections established to the cable network
Delete-values Deletes TFTP statistics
DHCP-LAN-rx Number of DHCP packets received from the LAN
DHCP-LAN-tx Number of DHCP packets sent to the LAN
DHCP-cable-rx Number of DHCP packets received from the cable network
DHCP-discard Number of DHCP packets discarded
DHCP-rx-discover Number of discover messages received
DHCP-rx-request Number of request messages received
DHCP-rx-decline Number of decline messages received
DHCP-rx-inform Number of inform messages received
DHCP-rx-release Number of release messages received
DHCP-tx-offer Number of offer messages sent
DHCP-tx-ack. Number of DHCP packets acknowledged
DHCP-tx-nak. Number of DHCP packets not acknowledged
DCHP-server-err. Number of DHCP packets received that were not intended for this server
DHCP-assigned Number of addresses currently assigned
DHCP-MAC-conflicts Number of assignments rejected because IP addresses were in use
Table-DHCP Table containing assignments of IP addresses to MAC addresses
Delete-values Deletes DHCP statistics.