
Description of the menu options
ELSA MicroLink Cable
These statistics include the following values:
These statistics include the following values:
IP-LAN-rx Number of IP packets received from the LAN
IP-LAN-tx Number of IP packets sent to the LAN
IP-LAN-checksum-errors Number of IP packets incorrectly received from the LAN
IP-LAN-service-errors Number of IP packets received from the LAN for an incorrect service
IP-LAN-fragmentation-errors Number of packets from the LAN that actually should have been
fragmented prior to transmission due to their size, but which could
not be fragmented.
IP-Cable-rx Number of IP-packets received from the cable network
IP-Cable-tx Number of IP-packets sent to the cable network
IP-Cable-checksum-errors Number of IP packets incorrectly received from the cable network
IP-Cable-service-errors Number of IP packets received from the cable network for an incor-
rect service
IP-Cable-fragmentation-errors Number of packets from the cable network that actually should have
been fragmented prior to transmission due to their size, but which
could not be fragmented.
IP-Cable-rx-disconnect Number of packets discarded by the cable network due to timeout
Delete-values Deletes IP statistics
ICMP-LAN-rx Number of ICMP packets received from the LAN
ICMP-LAN-tx Number of ICMP packets sent to the LAN
ICMP-LAN-checksum-errors Number of ICMP packets incorrectly received from the LAN
ICMP-LAN-service-errors Number of non-supported ICMP packets received from the LAN
ICMP-Cable-rx Number of ICMP-packets received from the cable network
ICMP-Cable-tx Number of ICMP-packets sent to the cable network
ICMP-Cable-checksum-errors Number of ICMP packets incorrectly received from the cable
ICMP-Cable-service-errors Number of non-supported ICMP packets received from the cable
Delete-values Deletes ICMP statistics