37Everest with Captain Seat Owner's Manual GF0600050RevE06, August 2006
Check caster forks
Check the caster stems/forks for proper rotation at least every three months. e caster fork must swivel
freely to facilitate steering and handling. Adjusting the stem nut varies the amount of force required
to turn the caster. If the nut is too loose, the caster will flutter or shimmy; if the nut is too tight, the
wheelchair will be difficult to steer. If the caster requires adjustment, or the caster stem bearing requires
replacement, visit a qualified Graham-Field Health Products dealer. Ensure that stems are firmly attached
to forks, and that forks and stems are not bent. Evaluate all threads, locking nuts and bearings.
Clean Batteries
Perform this at least every three months. See Section VII, BATTERIES, REGULAR BATTERY MAIN-
TENANCE, Clean batteries,
for this procedure.
Clean battery terminals
Clean battery terminals at least every six months. See Section VII, BATTERIES, REGULAR BATTERY
MAINTENANCE, Clean battery terminals, for this procedure.
Inspect motor brushes
e motor brushes should be inspected for wear every six months and replaced as needed. is should be
performed by a Graham-Field Health Products dealer.
Caution: Badly worn brushes can result in damage to the motors or controller.
Caution: After replacing the brushes, run the wheelchair gently for the first few miles to allow
the brushes to seat properly.
Check bearings
e Everest with Captain Seat has bearings only in the caster wheels, not in the drive wheels. Always
be alert for unusual noises in the bearings or excessive caster wobble. ese signs indicate that the bear-
ings are becoming worn and may require replacement. e caster bearings should be inspected every six
months and replaced as needed. is should be performed by a Graham-Field Health Products dealer.