31Everest with Captain Seat Owner's Manual GF0600050RevE06, August 2006
WARNING: Batteries can supply a large amount of current. Do not wear jewelry or
watches when working on batteries. Take care not to connect the terminals
accidentally with anything metal; severe burns could result.
WARNING: Batteries contain sulfuric acid, which can burn eyes, skin, clothes, etc. Use
caution! Always wear safety glasses when working with batteries. If contact
occurs, flush immediately with water and get medical attention.
Clean batteries
Needed: baking soda
1. You will first need to remove the batteries; see Remove batteries in previous REMOVE AND IN
STALL BATTERIES section—follow steps 1-7.
2. Clean outside of batteries, and inside and outside of battery box, with a solution of one tablespoon
baking soda to ten ounces water.
3. Rinse with clear water. Allow to dry.
4. Ensure that batteries and connectors are clean and dry. Reinstall batteries; see Install batteries
previous REMOVE AND INSTALL BATTERIES section—follow steps 1-11.
Clean battery terminals
Tools needed: wire brush or battery terminal cleaning tool
1. You will first need to remove the batteries; see Remove batteries in previous REMOVE AND
INSTALL BATTERIES section—follow steps 1-7.
2. Clean all battery terminals and clamps with a wire brush or battery terminal cleaning tool (this can
be purchased at most auto parts stores).
3. Reinstall batteries; see Install batteries in previous REMOVE AND INSTALL BATTERIES sec-
tion—follow steps 1-11.