With the help of this menu you can use your mobile phone as a calculator. In the Applications
menu, choose the Calculator menu and [Select]. Use the navigation stick to make calculations:
- Upwards: Add
- Downwards: Subtract
- Rightwards: Multiply
- Leftwards: Divide
The following keys are used for:
- : Left programmable key: Equals or convert
- : Right programmable key: Delete
- : * key or #: Decimal point
If no calculations are being run, pressing [Convert] allows you to use the value in the converter
You can convert one currency to another using this menu.
In the Applications menu, choose the Converter menu and [Select]. Enter a value and move
the navigation stick upwards to convert from one currency to another or downwards to convert
back. If you press [Options], the following options are available:
Rapid exchange
When the Rapid exchange option is activated, the conveter is displayed in the initial screen if
you enter the value to be converted and subsequently press the navigation stick to convert it.
Exchange rate
Enter the conversion rate for the selected currency.
Enter the desired symbol for both of the currencies to be converted.
BAL x.com 401_UK.indd 107 08.01.2008 10:00:15 Uhr