Input modes
When composing a message. The
navigation keys fulfil the following
É key:
Previous word
Ñ key:
Next word
~ key:
Previous line
Ä key:
Next line
Deletes the last letter
Message options
key (short press):
Access to symbol table
key (long press):
Writes in upper case
In the input screen, the key is used to access other in-
put modes. The mode in which you type the text is displa-
yed at the right top of the screen. A short press of the
key switches from one mode to another. The ABC mode
is used to write words that do not exist in the dictionary. To
get a particular character, please press the corresponding
key several times: the characters will scroll down on your
screen. 123 mode is used to add numbers. Insert mode
is used to add symbols, animations, call group icons and
tunes. There are two types of images and sounds: - prede-
fined and user defined. Predefined images and sounds are
specially customised to sending via a short message and
therefore are smaller in size.
Upper case
A long press of the key will display the next letter in
upper case (Ò icon).
Punctuation characters
Punctuation characters are obtained by pressing the 1 key
(excepting 123 mode) or via Insert mode
(direct access via a short press of the key).
Accented characters
Accented characters are automatically created in T9
Mode. In ABC Mode, you must press the key without an
accent that the corresponding symbol is assigned to so
often in succession until the desired accented character
is displayed.
BAL x.com 401_UK.indd 94 08.01.2008 10:00:13 Uhr