Chapter 1: Using the REST API 14
Find Items with GetSearchResultsExpress
Version 3.7
Find Items with GetSearchResultsExpress
You can find items on eBay Express (“Express”) using the GetSearchResultsExpress call. Specifically,
you can use GetSearchResultsExpress to do the following:
Search for items on Express
Search for eBay catalog products on Express
Search and browse Express product types, aisles, and departments
For example, to use the
Query parameter to search by keywords, you can specify an URL similar to
the following:
For additional samples for this call, see “GetSearchResultsExpress Samples” on page 14.
GetSearchResultsExpress retrieves brief details about active items that are listed on eBay Express.
This call also retrieves eBay catalog products used to pre-fill data in these items, and a histogram that
shows the distribution of items and catalog products across Express departments, aisles, and/or
product types. Parameters such as
ItemDetails control the fields to retrieve.
GetSearchResultsExpress is not available in the Sandbox.
Parameters for GetSearchResultsExpress are the same in the REST API as in the unified schema,
except for the REST-specific input parameters. For the REST-specific input parameters, see “Basic
REST Input Parameters” on page 3. For more information about using GetSearchResultsExpress,
including descriptions of the call-specific input and output parameters, see the following document:
General information about the unified schema format is available at the following location:
The following location contains additional information about using GetSearchResultsExpress in the
unified schema, as well as links to related topics:
After you have tested your program’s ability to handle output, you can use your program in
production to transform output or you can enable server-side processing. Server-side processing
uses your XSL files to format the output for you. For more information on server-side processing that
uses your XSL files, see “Transforming Data Returned” on page 20.
GetSearchResultsExpress Samples
You can use the GetSearchResultsExpress call in many ways to obtain data from eBay Express.