Chapter 1: Using the REST API 12
Find Items with GetSearchResults
Version 3.7
GetSearchResults Query Modifiers
You can use the following modifiers in a GetSearchResults query:
GetSearchResults Output Fields
The output of the GetSearchResults call in the REST API is similar to the output of the
GetSearchResults call in the unified schema. Please see the following unified schema topic for the
latest GetSearchResults output fields:
Information about pagination is in the following section: “Paginating Search Results” on page 13.
After you have tested your program’s ability to handle output, you can use your program in
production to transform output or you can enable server-side processing. Server-side processing
uses your XSL files to format the output for you. For more information on server-side processing that
uses your XSL files, see “Transforming Data Returned” on page 20.
Table 1-3 GetSearchResults Query Operators and Punctuation
Modifier Purpose Example of Usage in REST API Returns
Space between
Applies AND logic
to multiple
baseball%20card Items with both the words
"baseball" and "card".
Comma between
words, no
Applies AND logic
to multiple
baseball,card Items with both the words
"baseball" and "card".
Comma between
words in
Applies OR logic to
multiple keywords.
(baseball,card) Items with either the word
"baseball" or the word "card".
Quoted words Requires an exact
sequence of words.
"baseball%20card" Items with the exact phrase
"baseball card". Note that spaces
must be URL-encoded as %20.
-word Specified word
cannot be present.
baseball%20-autograph Items that have the word
"baseball" but not "autograph"
-(word, word,
Specified words
cannot be present.
Items with the word "baseball"
but not "autograph," "card," or
* Substitutes for one or
more characters.
baseball* Items starting with the string
@ sign (URL-
encoded as %40)
Search must find two
of three words from
a list.
Items with two of the three
words "baseball," "autograph,"
and "card". For a "3 out of 4"
search, use @2 (URL-encoded as
%402) and a list of four words.
+ Concatenates a query
string using AND
logic with another
Items with any two of the three
words "baseball," "autograph," or
"card" in the title plus the word