
Assign the processed output signal to a U-Net output channel: U-Net 1 to 32
Enter a name for the output channel, up to 16 alphanumeric characters.
Use the LEVEL function to set Input Channel and Output Channel gain and polarity by selecting the A to
D or 1 to 8 buttons.
Level: Scroll through and select the gain up to +/- 15 dB in 0.1 dB steps.
Polarity: Select the polarity: + or -.
6.7 X-OVER (Output Channels 1 to 8)
Use the X-OVER function to set crossover filters for providing an acoustic transition between a multi-
amplified loudspeaker’s subsystems. The crossover filters have the following variable parameters:
HPF / LPF High Pass Filter / Low Pass Filter
Filt: Set the selected HPF or LPF to be active or inactive.
Freq: Scroll through and select the crossover filter frequency from 20 Hz to 20 kHz in
1/24th Octave steps.
Type: Scroll through and select the crossover type and slope:
6 dB Butterworth, Bessel
12 dB Butterworth, Bessel, Linkwitz-Riley
18 dB Butterworth, Bessel
24 dB Butterworth, Bessel, Linkwitz-Riley
30 dB Butterworth, Bessel
36 dB Butterworth, Bessel, Linkwitz-Riley
42 dB Butterworth, Bessel
48 dB Butterworth, Bessel, Linkwitz-Riley
6.8 LIM (Output Channels 1 to 8)
Use the LIM function to set the compressor / limiter parameters:
Lim: Sets the Comp/Lim to In (active) or Out (inactive).
Thrsh: Scroll through and select the limiter threshold from 20 dBu to -10 dBu in 0.1 dB steps.
Ratio: Scroll through and select the compression ratio in integer increments:
1:1 to 20:1, or Inf:1.
Atk: Scroll through and select the limiter attack from 40 µs to 1 ms in 10 µs steps, 1
ms to 40 ms in 1 ms steps. The default setting is 1 ms.
Rel: Scroll through and select the limiter release from 10 ms to 2 s in 10 ms steps.
Knee: Select the aggressiveness of the onset of limiting between a hard or soft knee.
6.9 EQ
Use the EQ function to set the Input Channel and Output Channel equalization by selecting the Ato D or
1 to 8 buttons. Each channel’s EQ section has 10 filters. Each EQ section has the following variable
parameters. The available parameters depend on the selected Type.
Parametric EQ: Sets the entire EQ section (filters 1 to 10) to In (active) or Out (inactive).
Type: Scroll through and select the type for each parametric filter: Bell, 6 dB LoShelf,
12 dB LoShelf, 6 dB HiShelf, 12 dB HiShelf, 6 dB HPF, 12 dB HPF, 6 dB LPF,
or 12 dB LPF.
BW: Scroll through and select the bandwidth for each filter: 0.02 to 10 octaves.
Freq: Scroll through and select the frequency for each filter: Variable from 20 Hz to
20 kHz in 1/24th octave steps.
Gain: Scroll through and select the gain for each filter: +/- 15 dB in 0.1 dB steps.
Filt: Sets the selected filter (1 to 10) to be In (active) or Out (inactive).
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