
RaceAmerica Model 3220 Timer SBD
TIMING A RUN - Finish Differential
Before timing a run, it may be desireable to
enter the racer numbers so they will appear on the
printout. To enter a racer number, press the [9]
CAR# button on the keypad to view the existing
entries; press [9] again to enter new numbers; press
[#] ENTER to accept the entries.
To time a run, press the [2] RESET button.
The timer immediately checks all track sensors
to insure they are operating and aligned properly.
The timer performs this function automatically
while displaying [rESEt] in the upper display and
1 to 6 dashes [------] on the lower LED display.
If a sensor fails the alignment test by triggering
during this test, the timer will indicate [-FAiL-]
[-S-1-2] with the misaligned sensor(s) blinking. If
Lane 1 and Lane 2 sensor/emitter pairs are aligned,
the LED display will display [rEAdy ] when it is
ready to time a run. Once a sensor is triggered,
the display will show [LAnE X] (illuminate the
Win Light) in the upper display and will count
the difference in the lower display until the other
lane’s sensor is triggered. At this point the LED
display displays [LAnE-X] [XXX.XXX] indicat-
ing the winning lane and the differential in the
upper/lower displays respectively. If a printer,
PC or Digital Display is connected, the output
will be sent to these devices at the end of the race.
To resend the data, press the [0] PRINT button.
Press [#] ENTER to blank the display. To review
the result before another race has begun, press [4]
DELTA. To reset for the next run, press the [2]
RESET button. If [0] PRINT is pressed and the
port is configured for a display, the console display
will show[no] [Print].
If a Fail condition is detected, press [5]
ALIGN or [#] ENTER to go to alignment mode
to correct the bad alignment, press [#] ENTER to
leave alignment mode.
If the Start Sensor/Switch is not connected,
ET timing must be OFF in the CONFIG menu.
TIMING A RUN Finish Differential + ET
Before timing a run, it may be desireable to
enter the racer numbers so they will appear on the
printout and in the data transmitted to PC capture
software. To enter a racer number, press the [9]
CAR# button on the keypad to view the existing
entries; press [9] again to enter new numbers; press
[#] ENTER to accept the entries. Make sure the
ET option is ON in the CONFIG menu.
To time a run, press the [2] RESET button.
The timer immediately checks all track sensors
to insure they are operating and aligned properly.
The timer performs this function automatically
while displaying [rESEt] in the upper display and
1 to 6 dashes [------] on the lower display. If a
sensor fails the alignment test by triggering during
this test, the timer will indicate [-FAiL-] [-S-1-2]
with the misaligned sensor(s) blinking. If all sen-
sor/emitter pairs are aligned, the LED display will
display [rEAdy] when it is ready to time a run.
Once a sensor is triggered, the display will show
[LAnE X] (illuminate the Win Light) in the upper
display and will count the difference in the lower
display until the other lane’s sensor is triggered.
Then the timer will switch to display [LAnE-X]
[XXX.XXX] indicating the winning lane and the
differential in the upper/lower displays respec-
tively. If a printer, PC or Digital Display is con-
nected, the output will be sent to these devices at
the end of the race. To resend the data, press the
[0] PRINT button. Press [#] ENTER to blank the
display. To review the results before another race
has begun, press [1] ET or [4] DELTA. To reset
for the next run, press the [2] RESET button.
If a Fail condition is detected, press [5]
ALIGN or [#] ENTER to go to alignment mode
to correct the bad alignment, press [#] ENTER to
leave alignment mode.
To stop the timer during a run or if only one
racer finishes (bye-run), press the [#] ENTER
button and the timer will show [Abort] [run] in the
upper/lower displays; press [#] ENTER again to
clear the displays. Available data will be sent to
printers, PCs and ET displays