RaceAmerica Model 3220 Timer SBD
until the alignment starts counting determines the
maximum vertical detection angle. Once these
extremes are established, position the Beam Emit-
ter in the center of the left/right detection angle
and up/down detection angle. Repeat this same
process with the Track Sensors. This will maxi-
mize the alignment accuracy. It should also be
noted that once the zero digit has stated counting,
it will never stop at zero again unless Alignment
Mode is exited and reentered. This can be helpful
for leaving the system in alignment mode for an
extended period of time to check on an intermit-
tent condition.
If the Start Sensor (or switch) is not con-
nected, the ‘S’ position will be counting. To run
a race without Start, make sure the ET option is
disabled in the configuration mode.
At this point the system is properly aligned.
Press the [#] ENTER button to exit Alignment
The SBD Timer ships with the following
factory default settings:
Printer Port Print
Auto Print Timeslip 1
Print Line Feeds 12
Print Header Generic
ET Option OFF
If any of these settings need to be changed,
press the [8] CONFIG key on the Keypad to
enter the system configuration mode, the console
displays [-Port-] [-Print] which sends timeslip
data to the printer port. Repeated presses of the
[#] ENTER key cycle the lower display to Display
[-diSP-] which will send ET times to scoreboards.
Press the [8] CONFIG key to accept the desired
condition. If Print was selected, the display will
show [LF] [ 12 ] (Upper/Lower displays) and
the user is prompted for the number of line feeds
(blinking digit) to add to the end of the timeslip to
properly eject the timeslip for tearoff. Enter the
number of line feeds required and press the [#]
ENTER key to confirm. Next [AutoPr] [1] will
show the number of timeslip copies to automati-
cally print each time a race ends; press a number
on the keypad (1-9) for desired number of copies;
press [#] ENTER to exit Config mode. Each time
a change is made to the config, the display will
show [ConFiG] [StorEd] when exiting config
With the Printer Port configured to print,
press [8] [CONFIG] three times to display
[ConFiG] [HEAdEr]. See page 12 for setup
worksheet. Press # [ENTER] to view the setup
dialog as follows [L1 C01] [XX00] indicating
Line 1 Character 01; the XX is prompting for
the character code for the desired character; refer
to the worksheet for the correct code, press [#]
to move to character 02 [L1 C02] [YYXX00]
where YY is Character 01 and XX is prompting
for character 02,, the last two digits are the current
code for the next digit (3rd in this case); continue
for up to all 39 characters in the line. Press [*] to
move to Line 2 [L2 C01] [ XX00] and continue
for all four lines. When done with all four lines,
press [*] to exit Config mode.
Press [8] [CONFIG] four times to set the
Elapsed Time function. The Display will show
[--Et--] [--OFF-] which tells the system no Start
Sensor is connected and no ET will be reported.
Repeated presses of the [#] ENTER key cycle
the lower display to ON [on]. If the ET option
is present, select ON; press the [8] CONFIG
key to exit Config mode. These parameters can
be reconfigured at any time. The configuration
parameters are stored until they are changed (in-
cluding power off).