
© 2006 Directed Electronics
TThhee cclliimmaattee ccoonnttrrooll ssyysstteemm ddooeess nnoott wwoorrkk wwhhiillee tthhee uunniitt iiss
ooppeerraattiinngg tthhee vveehhiiccllee..
Either the wrong accessory wire is being energized or more
than one ignition or accessory wire must be energized in
order to operate the climate control system.
TThhee rreemmoottee ssttaarrtt wwiillll nnoott aaccttiivvaattee..
Check to ensure that the hood is not open and that the brake
pedal is not depressed.
Check harnesses and connections. Make sure the harnesses
are fully plugged into the remote start module. Make sure
there are good connections to the vehicle wiring.
Check voltage and fuses. Use a meter and check for voltage
between the RED wire and the BLACK ground wire. If you
have less than battery voltage, check both 30A fuses on the
main power wires. Also make sure that the ground wire is
going to a good paint-free chassis ground.
TThhee rreemmoottee ssttaarrtt wwiillll aaccttiivvaattee bbuutt tthhee ssttaarrtteerr nneevveerr eennggaaggeess..
1. Check for voltage on the purple starter wire two seconds
after the remote start becomes active. If there is voltage
present, skip to Step 4. If there is no voltage present,
advance to Step 2.
2. Check the 30A fuses.
3. Does the vehicle have an immobilizer? Some immobilizer
systems will not allow the vehicle to crank if active.
4. Check connections. The two red heavy gauge input wires
should have solid connections. "T-taps", or "scotch