
© 2006 Directed Electronics
uussiinngg LLEEDD tteesstt pprroobbee
To use the LED test probe:
1. Remove the protective cover off the probe tip. Save the
protective cover for reinstallation on the probe tip when
the LED tester is not being used.
2. Connect the Black clip to a good chassis ground.
3. Connect the Red clip to a good +12V source. Both the
Red and Green LEDs should be illuminated dimly.
4. If a positive voltage source is probed, the Red LED will
illuminate brightly, and the Green LED will extinguish.
5. If a negative source is probed the Green LED will illu-
minate brightly and the Red LED will extinguish.
Alternate procedure to use the LED test probe (only for use on
probing positive voltage wires):
1. Remove the protective cover off the probe tip. Save the
protective cover for reinstallation on the probe tip when
the LED tester is not being used.
2. Connect the Black clip to a good chassis ground.
3. If a positive voltage source is probed, the Red LED will
illuminate brightly.
note: Do not use this test probe on computerized equip-
ment or on the tachometer wiring as damage can result.