
© 2008 Directed Electronics - All rights reserved.
Triggered sequence
Fif teen seconds after the last door has closed, the sys tem’s status
LED will begin flashing. This delay is intended to allow you time to
distance your self from your ve hi cle in the event of a carjacking.
Forty-five seconds later, the siren begins chirping and the park ing
lights begin flashing. This time could be used to notify au thor i ties
that your vehicle has been hi jacked, and tell them what the VRS
will do next.
Fif teen seconds after the siren chirps be gin, the siren’s output will
change to a con tin u ous blast.
From this point on, when the ignition key is turned off, the VRS
immediately turn on the starter kill. This will prevent the vehicle from
being re start ed, thus im mo bi liz ing it at that spot.
Three minutes after the constant siren out put be gins, the flash ing
parking lights and the siren will stop. The starter kill will remain
active until the system is dis armed. If the door is opened or the ig-
ni tion is turned off and on in an attempt to restart the car, the siren
and light flash ing will begin again.