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➢ Silent mode
To temporarily turn off the arm or disarm chirps, use Silent
for less than one second before arming or disarming,
and the confirmation chirp(s) will be eliminated for that one op er-
a tion only. If you want the arm/disarm chirps turned off perma-
nently, your dealer can do this for you.
The Warn Away® response to lighter impacts is bypassed if the
system is armed using Silent Mode. This ensures that no chirps
will be emitted by the siren in an area you want chirp-free. The
system is still fully capable of triggering, only the Warn Away®
response is bypassed.
➢ Panic mode
If you are threatened in or near your vehicle, you can attract atten-
tion by triggering the system with your transmitter. Just press
for two seconds, and you will enter Panic Mode. The siren
will sound and the parking lights will flash for the programmed
siren duration. To stop Panic Mode at any time, press
on the
remote transmitter again.
➢ Valet mode
You can prevent your security system from automatically arming
and trig ger ing by using Valet Mode. This is very useful when
washing the ve hi cle or having it serviced. In Valet Mode, the
security system will not arm, even with the remote trans mit ter, but
all convenience functions (door locks, trunk re lease, etc.) will con-
tinue to work nor mal ly.