TX 4000 PCI SS7 Network Interface Board Installation Manual Verifying the installation
Verifying the board installation
Complete the following steps to verify that each board is successfully installed:
Step Action
1 Display a list of all of the TX boards detected in the system by entering the following command:
txcpcfg displays the bus number, slot number, CP number, and CP model type of each detected
TX board. For example:
Bus Slot CP Number CP Model
5 7 1 TX 4000
5 8 2 TX 4000
If the CP number is listed as undefined, assign a CP number. For more information, refer to
Assigning a CP number on page 22.
2 Ensure that each installed and configured board in the system appears in the list of boards.
3 Display a list by CP number and board type of all the TX boards in the system by entering the
following command at the prompt:
cpmodel displays each TX board by model type and assigned CP number. For example:
Board #1 is a TX 4000
Board #2 is a TX 4000
4 Ensure that the boards listed by the txcpcfg utility in Step 1 are the same boards listed by the
cpmodel utility in step 3.
5 Perform board-level diagnostic tests on each new board to verify the installation by entering the
following command at the prompt:
txdiag -b boardnum
where boardnum is the CP number of the board.
txdiag indicates the successful installation of the CP 1 board.
TXDIAG V2.0: (c)Copyright 1998-2009 Dialogic Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
CP 1: NMI - Resetting...
CP 1: NMI - ...Reset Complete
CP 1: NMI - Starting test...
CP 1: NMI - SUCCESS CP 1: MEMSWEEP - Resetting...
CP 1: MEMSWEEP - ...Reset Complete
CP 1: MEMSWEEP - Starting test...
CP 1: MEMSWEEP - SUCCESSCP 1: INTR - Resetting...
CP 1: INTR - ...Reset Complete
CP 1: INTR - Starting test...
CP 1: TXDIAG - Resetting...
CP 1: TXDIAG - ...Reset Complete
Refer to the Dialogic® TX Series SS7 Boards TX Utilities Manual for detailed
information about txcpcfg, cpmodel, and txdiag.
Dialogic Corporation 41