
Installing the TX 4000 board TX 4000 PCI SS7 Network Interface Board Installation Manual
Installing the board
Complete the following steps to install the TX 4000 board in your system:
Step Action
1 If necessary, configure the board as described in Configuring the hardware on page 17.
2 Power down the computer and disconnect the power cord from the power source.
3 Remove the cover from the computer and set it aside.
4 If you are placing the board into a PCI chassis, remove the PCI retainer bracket by unscrewing it
from the board. The bracket is not needed for the board to properly fit into the chassis. Refer to
the following illustration of the PCI retainer bracket:
PCI retainer bracket
(2.2 compliant)
Retainer screws
If you are placing the board into an ISA chassis, leave the PCI retainer bracket attached to the
board. The bracket is needed for the board to fit properly into the chassis.
5 Remove the blank slot cover from an open PCI bus slot.
6 Arrange the TX 4000 board and other H.100 boards in adjacent PCI bus slots.
Insert the TX 4000 board firmly into the slot. Ensure that the gold-striped edge of the board is
seated properly in the expansion slot groove and the bracket of the board is seated in the
groove that previously held the slot cover.
7 Align the top of the board bracket with the hole on the top of the expansion slot, and replace
the screw that previously held the blank slot cover.
8 Connect the H.100 bus cable to the TX 4000 board.
If you have multiple H.100 boards, connect the H.100 bus cable to each H.100 board.
9 Replace the cover, and connect the computer to the power source.
20 Dialogic Corporation