
PBX Integration Board User’s Guide
The parameter list for batch mode is:
/s=<ext1>-<ext2> : this field is required. Specify the beginning extension
(ext1) and the ending extension (ext2).
/b=<port to use> : this field is required. Extbuilder will use this port to
call out.
/donis : this field is optional. If specified and if extbuilder receives a “Not
in Service Number” message from the PBX, then the given entry is
removed from the configuration.
/doin : this field is optional. If specified and if extbuilder receives an
“Invalid Number” message from the PBX, then the given entry is
removed from the configuration.
In both interactive and batch mode, the extbuilder has the following
If a D82/D42 port is specified, extbuilder will use that port to call out to
the destination phone to determine the phone’s label.
The destination phone’s call forwarding feature should not be enabled
during that time. Extbuilder can determine the phone’s label, even with
call forwarding enabled, but this is not guaranteed for this scenario.
The destination phone cannot be the source phone, if a D82/D42 port is
There is no locking mechanism. Only one instance of extbuilder can be
executed at any given time.