
4. PBX Systems
This check is only made whenever d42_gtcallid( ) and d42_gtcallidex( ) are
The directory maps the phone name to the associated extension. If all the
phone names are extensions, then this feature can be disabled. The directory
must be sorted based on the phone name, in descending order; phone names
are case sensitive.
The application extbuilder is a command line tool that can be used to assist in
the maintenance of the configuration file. If a phone’s name is changed, the
directory should be updated, and can be updated manually using any text
editor or the extbuilder application. Extbuilder can be executed interactively or
it can be run in batch mode.
extbuilder /?- prints out a brief help
extbuilder- executes the application in interactive mode
In interactive mode, the extbuilder’s commands are organized in the following