
Pyramid 8000
(8DM) Series compressed breathing
air purifiers are designed to reduce the concentration
of oil, moisture, particulates and carbon monoxide in
the airstream.
When applied at rated capacity and specified operating
conditions as shown in Table III and properly main
tained, 8DM Series purifiers supply air that meets
OSHA, Canadian Standards Association (CSA) and
Compressed Gas Association (CGA) standards for
compressed breathing air quality, as well as National
Fire Protection Association (NFPA) standards for
medical air quality. Refer to Table 1 for the maximum
allowable carbon monoxide concentration levels at the
purifier inlet.
Air entering the purifier must not be oxygen deficient.
8DM Series purifiers will not increase the oxygen con
tent of purifier inlet air.
To ensure continuing good performance and
safe operation of the purifier, everyone who
installs, operates, maintains or uses it must
read and carefully follow the instructions in
this manual. Installation and maintenance
must be done only by qualified personnel.
Safety instructions in this manual are bold-faced for
emphasis. The signal words DANGER, WARNING
and CAUTION are used to indicate hazard serious
ness levels as follows:
DANGER—Immediate hazard which WILL result in
severe injury or death.
WARNING—Hazard or unsafe practice which
COULD result in severe injury or death.
CAUTION—Hazard or unsafe practice which
COULD result in minor injury or in product or prop
erty damage.
Copies of purifier labels providing important safety in
formation are included in this manual near correspond
ing text. Each of the labels is prominently attached to
the purifier before shipment. Contact your distributor
if any label shown in this manual is damaged or miss
ing from the purifier; identify the label by the part
number printed below it.
Pyramid 8000
Series Purifiers (Bulletin 289) 1
Table I
Maximum Allowable Carbon Monoxide Concentration
Purifier Purpose
Allowable Inlet
(29 CFR 1910.134 (d)(1))
400 ppm
NFPA 99C* (medical air) 200 ppm
Canadian Standards Association (CSA)*
100 ppm
Compressed Gas Association (CGA)
(CGA 7.1-1989)
200 ppm
8DM Series Instruction Plate
Part No. 44DE127B