10 Pyramid 8000
Series Purifiers (Bulletin 289)
Do not turn power switch to ON until the end of
the 4-hour warm-up period. This 4-hour period
is essential. It heats up the refrigerant compres
sor oil and boils off liquid refrigerant to pre
vent compressor failure. The warm-up period
can be shortened or skipped only if the purifier
had been operated and supply power has been
interrupted for less than two hours.
3. During the warm-up period review the installation
instructions to make sure the purifier is properly
For all purifier models:
4. Turn the front-panel power switch to ON; allow a
4-hour warm-up period. For models 8DM75,
8DM100 and 8DM150, this warm-up period is in
addition to the warm-up period required to heat the
Do not allow air to flow through the purifier dur
ing the second warm-up period. This warm-up is
essential to drive moisture out of the catalyst ves
sel. Moisture in the catalyst reduces carbon mon
oxide conversion efficiency and may result in
inadequately purified air.
When the power switch is turned on, the POWER
ON light will light. It is normal for the fans to cy
cle on and off or to run continuously in warm am
bient air temperatures. It is also normal if some of
the red indicating lights flash.
5. After the power switch has been on for one hour,
check the control panel. The red indicating lights
should signal in sequence. If any red indicating
light flashes call the Deltech Product Service De
partment for instructions.
6. Supply compressed air up to the inlet valve.
7. Slowly open the inlet valve and allow the purifier
to reach operating pressure. If no pressure gauge is
installed in the air line, wait three minutes.
8. Slowly open the outlet valve to let purified air
flow downstream.
Once this start-up procedure is complete, purifier op
eration is continuous.
8DM Series purifiers are designed to run continuously.
Do not turn the purifier off unless maintenance is
needed. Restarting the purifier involves a significant
warm-up period (see Start- up).
To shut down the purifier:
1. Stop using the outlet air for breathing.
2. Close customer-supplied inlet and outlet shutoff
3. Turn the power switch on the front panel to OFF.
4. Open customer-supplied depressurization valve to
vent internal purifier pressure to the atmosphere.
Warning Label: Switch
Must Be On
Part No. 44DE112A
Danger Label: Purifier Will
Not Operate
Part No. 58DE23A
Danger Label: Parts of Circuit May Be Energized
Part No. 58DE27A
Danger Label: Parts of Circuit May Be Energized
Part No. 58DE27A