1. Go to https://portal.nutanix.com/#/page/docs.
2. Select the documentation you require from the list specified in Table 10.
NOTE: To access the Hardware Replacement Documentation using the open document portal, use
the Filter By controls in the upper right corner of the page. Select NOS, 4.x, and XC730xd to display
this document.
To access the NOS Advanced Administration Guide and Advanced Setup Guide:
1. Go to https://portal.nutanix.com/#login.
2. Log in to your portal and select Documentation.
3. On the Nutanix Documents page, select the documentation you require.
Table 8. Nutanix reference documentation
To learn about… Refer to…
Setup instructions for your solution. Setup Guide
Setup instructions for environments with special
requirements and restrictions
Advanced Setup Guide
Instructions and reference for administering the
Nutanix Operation System (NOS) outside the
Nutanix Prism UI (such as cluster start/stop,
manual upgrade, changing passwords,
reconfiguring IP addresses, and troubleshooting
NOS Advanced Administration Guide
Comprehensive instructions and references for the
Nutanix UI, including overview information.
Web Console Guide
Managing VMware ESXi hosts that run NOS,
including VMware vCenter requirements.
vSphere Administration Guide
Managing Hyper-V hosts that run NOS. Hyper-V Administration Guide
Comprehensive references for the Nutanix REST
API Reference
Comprehensive references for Controller Virtual
Machine (CVM) utilities, nCLI commands, and
Nutanix PowerShell cmdlets.
Command Reference
Software instructions for hardware components
that are not functioning.
Hardware Replacement Documentation
Quick Resource Locator
Use the Quick Resource Locator (QRL) to get immediate access to system information and how-to
videos. This can be done by visiting dell.com/QRL or by using your smartphone or tablet and a model
specific Quick Resource (QR) code located on your Dell system. To try out the QR code, scan the
following image.