
NOTE: Applies to data center environments
only. Air filtration requirements do not
apply to IT equipment designed to be used
outside a data center, in environments
such as an office or factory floor.
Conductive dust
NOTE: Applies to data center and non-data
center environments.
Air must be free of conductive dust, zinc whiskers,
or other conductive particles.
Corrosive dust
NOTE: Applies to data center and non-data
center environments.
Air must be free of corrosive dust.
Residual dust present in the air must have a
deliquescent pointless than 60% relative
Gaseous contamination
NOTE: Maximum corrosive contaminant levels measured at ≤50% relative humidity.
Copper coupon corrosion rate <300 Å/month per Class G1 as definedby ANSI/
Silver coupon corrosion rate <200 Å/month as defined by AHSRAETC9.9.
Expanded operating temperature
NOTE: When operating in the expanded temperature range, system performance may be
NOTE: When operating in the expanded temperature range, ambient temperature warnings
may be reported on the LCD and in the System Event Log.
Continuous operation
5°C to 40°C at 5% to 85% RH with 29°C dew
NOTE: Outside the standard operating
temperature (10°C to 35°C), the system can
operate continuously down to 5°C or as high
as 40°C.
For temperatures between 35°C and 40°C, de-
rate maximum allowable temperature by 1°C per
175 m above 950 m (1°F per 319 ft).
< 1% of annual operating hours
–5°C to 45°C at 5% to 90% RH with 29°C dew
NOTE: Outside the standard operating
temperature (10°C to 35°C), the system can
operate down to –5°C or up to 45°C for a
maximum of 1% of its annual operating