914 IP Helper/DHCP Relay Commands
console#show ip helper statistics
DHCP client messages received.................. 8
DHCP client messages relayed................... 2
DHCP server messages received.................. 2
DHCP server messages relayed................... 2
UDP client messages received................... 8
UDP client messages relayed.................... 2
DHCP message hop count exceeded max............ 0
DHCP message with secs field below min......... 0
DHCP message with giaddr set to local address.. 0
Packets with expired TTL....................... 0
Packets that matched a discard entry........... 0
Packets with
expired TTL
The number of packets received with TTL of 0 or 1 that might
otherwise have been relayed.
Packets that
matched a discard
The number of packets ignored by the relay agent because they
match a discard relay entry.
2CSPC4.XModular-SWUM200.book Page 914 Thursday, March 10, 2011 11:18 AM