Port Channel Commands 577
Manual Aggregation of LAGs
PowerConnect switching supports the manual addition and deletion of links
to aggregates.
In the manual configuration of aggregates, the ports send their Actor
Information (LACPDUs) to the partner system in order to find a suitable
Partner to form an aggregation. When the Partner System neglects to respond
using LACPDUs, the PowerConnect switching aggregates manually. The
PowerConnect switching uses the currently configured default Partner Values
for Partner Information.
Commands in this Chapter
This chapter explains the following commands:
Use the channel-group command in Interface Configuration mode to
configure a port-to-port channel. To remove the channel-group configuration
from the interface, use the no form of this command.
mode {on | auto}
no channel-group
— Number of a valid port-channel for the current
port to join.
channel-group lacp system-priority
interface port-channel lacp timeout
interface range port-channel no lacp
hashing-mode port-channel min-links
lacp auto show interfaces port-channel
lacp off show lacp
lacp port-priority show statistics port-channel
lacp static
2CSPC4.XModular-SWUM200.book Page 577 Thursday, March 10, 2011 11:18 AM