1254 Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol Commands
Command Mode
User EXEC, Privileged EXEC mode.
User Guidelines
This command has no user guidelines.
The following example displays all configuration information about the
VLAN 15 virtual router.
console#show vrrp interface vlan 7
Vlan 7 – Group 1
Primary IP Address...........................
VMAC Address................................ 0000.5E00.0101
Authentication Type............................ None
Priority....................................... 100
Configured Priority............................ 100
Advertisement Interval (secs).................. 10
Accept Mode.................................... Disable
Pre-empt Mode.................................. Enable
Pre-empt Delay................................. 0
Administrative Mode............................ Enable
State.......................................... Initialized
Timers Learn Mode.............................. Disable
Description.................................... GoodStuff
The following example displays all configuration information about the
virtual router on the selected interface.
console#show vrrp interface brief
Interface VRID IP Address Mode State
--------- ---- -------------- ------ ------------
vlan1 2 Disable Initialize
2CSPC4.XModular-SWUM200.book Page 1254 Thursday, March 10, 2011 11:18 AM