1222 Routing Information Protocol Commands
The following example allows no RIP control packets to be sent by VLAN 11.
console(config-if-vlan11)#ip rip send version none
The redistribute command configures RIP protocol to redistribute routes
from the specified source protocol/routers. If the source protocol is OSPF,
there are five possible match options.
redistribute ospf [metric
] [match [internal] [external 1] [external 2]
[nssa-external 1] [nssa-external 2]]
no redistribute ospf
redistribute { static | connected} [metric
— Specifies the metric to use when redistributing the route.
Range: 0-15.
• match internal — Adds internal matches to any match types presently
being redistributed.
• match external 1 — Adds routes imported into OSPF as Type-1 external
routes into any match types presently being redistributed.
• match external 2 — Adds routes imported into OSPF as Type-2 external
routes into any match types presently being redistributed.
• match nssa-external 1 — Adds routes imported into OSPF as NSSA Type-
1 external routes into any match types presently being redistributed.
• match nssa-external 2 — Adds routes imported into OSPF as NSSA Type-
2 external routes into any match types presently being redistributed.
— Redistributes static routes.
• connected — Redistributes directly-connected routes.
Default Configuration
— not configured
match — internal
2CSPC4.XModular-SWUM200.book Page 1222 Thursday, March 10, 2011 11:18 AM