PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 365
Virtual Switch Redundancy Protocol (VSRP)
Interface parameters
The type of authentication the VSRP devices use to
validate VSRP packets. On Layer 3 Switches, the
authentication type must match the authentication
type the VRID port uses with other routing protocols
such as OSPF.
• No authentication – The interfaces do not use
authentication. This is the VRRP default.
• Simple – The interface uses a simple text-string
as a password in packets sent on the interface.
If the interface uses simple password
authentication, the VRID configured on the
interface must use the same authentication type
and the same password.
NOTE: MD5 is not supported.
No authentication page 369
VSRP-Aware Security Parameters
The type of authentication the VSRP-aware devices
will use on a VSRP backup switch:
• No authentication – The device does not accept
incoming packets that have authentication
• Simple – The device uses a simple text-string as
the authentication string for accepting incoming
Not configured page 369
VRID parameters
VSRP device
Whether the device is a VSRP Backup for the VRID.
All VSRP devices for a given VRID are Backups.
Not configured page 367
VSRP ports The ports in the VRID VLAN that you want to use as
VRID interfaces. You can selectively exclude
individual ports from VSRP while allowing them to
remain in the VLAN.
All ports in the VRID
page 370
VRID IP address A gateway address you are backing up. Configuring
an IP address provides VRRPE Layer 3 redundancy in
addition to VSRP LAyer 2 redundancy.
The VRID IP address must be in the same subnet as a
real IP address configured on the VSRP interface, but
cannot be the same as a real IP address configured
on the interface.
NOTE: This parameter is valid only on Layer 3
None page 370
Backup priority A numeric value that determines a Backup
preferability for becoming the Master for the VRID.
During negotiation, the device with the highest priority
becomes the Master.
In VSRP, all devices are Backups and have the same
priority by default.
If two or more Backups are tied with the highest
priority, the Backup with the highest IP address
becomes the Master for the VRID.
100 for all Backups page 371
TABLE 63 VSRP parameters (Continued)
Parameter Description Default See page...