PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 103
Building an IronStack
5. Enter the stack secure-setup command. As shown In the following example, this command
triggers a Dell proprietary discovery protocol that begins the discovery process in both
upstream and downstream directions. The discovery process produces a list of upstream and
downstream devices that are available to join the stack. Secure-setup can detect up to 7 units
in each direction (14 total), but since the maximum number of units in a stack is 8, you must
select a maximum of 7 units from both directions.
To exit the secure-setup, enter ^C at any time.
You should see output similar to the following.
PowerConnect# stack secure-setup
PowerConnect# Discovering the stack topology...
Current Discovered Topology - RING
Available UPSTREAM units
Hop(s) Type Mac Address
1 FCX624 0012.f239.2d40
2 FCX624 0012.f2d5.2100
Available DOWNSTREAM units
Hop(s) Type Mac Address
1 FCX624 0012.f2d5.2100
2 FCX624 0012.f239.2d40
Do you accept the topology (RING) (y/n)?: y
If you accept the topology, you will see output similar to the following.
Selected Topology:
Active Id Type Mac Address
1 FCX648 00e0.52ab.cd00
Selected UPSTREAM units
Hop(s) Id Type Mac Address
1 3 FCX624 0012.f239.2d40
2 2 FCX624 0012.f2d5.2100
Selected DOWNSTREAM units
Hop(s) Id Type Mac Address
1 2 FCX624 0012.f2d5.2100
2 3 FCX624 0012.f239.2d40
Do you accept the unit ids (y/n)?: y
To accept the unit ID assignments, type y. If you do not want to accept the ID assignments, type
n. You can use secure-setup to renumber the units in your stack. Refer to “Renumbering stack
units” on page 149.
If you accept the unit IDs, the stack is formed, and you can see the stack topology using the
show stack command.
PowerConnect# show stack
alone: standalone, D: dynamic config, S: static config
ID Type Role Mac Address Pri State Comment