140 Using the System Setup Program
48B5 Memory
Operating Voltage
Indicates all DIMMs in the system are operating at
1.25 volts.
48C0 Frequency Ratio Sets frequency multiplier as maximum level.
48C1 Frequency Ratio Downgrades frequency multiplier one level.
48C2 Frequency Ratio Downgrades frequency multiplier two levels.
48C3 Frequency Ratio Downgrades frequency multiplier three levels.
48C8 QPI Frequency Sets the QPI frequency runs at maximum speed.
48C9 QPI Frequency Sets the QPI frequency runs at 4.800GT.
48CA QPI Frequency Sets the QPI frequency runs at 5.866GT.
48CB QPI Frequency Sets the QPI frequency runs at 6.400GT.
48CC QPI Frequency Sets the QPI frequency runs at 7.200GT.
48CD QPI Frequency Sets the QPI frequency runs at 8.000GT.
48D0 Energy Efficient
Controls the energy efficient policy as performance
profile to configure all necessary settings. This option
is supported for processor power management that is
independent of the entire OS.
48D1 Energy Efficient
Controls the energy efficient policy as balance profile
to configure all necessary settings. This option is
supported for processor power management that is
independent of the entire OS. (default)
48D2 Energy Efficient
Controls the energy efficient policy as low power
profile to configure all necessary settings. This option
is supported for processor power management that is
independent of the entire OS.
48D3 Direct Cache
Disables the Direct Cache Access.
48D4 Direct Cache
Enables the Direct Cache Access.
48D8 Load Customized
Requests a customized default of SETUP values on
the next boot.
Table 2-1. D4 Token Table
Token Setup Option Description