Using the System Setup Program 133
4821 Memory Turbo
Enables memory turbo mode.
4822 NUMA Support Enables the node interleave option for SLES11. This
applies to NUMA systems that allow memory
interleaving across all processor nodes.
4823 Memory
Detects the memory running speed from H/W
designed (SPD, memory population).
4824 Memory
Sets memory running speed up to 800 MHz.
4825 Memory
Sets memory running speed up to 1066 MHz.
4826 Memory
Sets memory running speed up to 1333 MHz.
4827 Memory
Sets memory running speed up to 1600 MHz.
4960 Memory
Sets memory running speed up to 1866 MHz.
4828 Memory
Throttling Mode
Sets memory running as Open Loop Throughput
Throttling (OLTT). (default)
4829 Memory
Throttling Mode
Sets memory running as Closed Loop Thermal
Throttling (CLTT).
482A DRAM Scrubbing Disables DRAM scrubbing to write corrected data
back to the memory once a correctable error is
detected on a read transaction.
482B DRAM Scrubbing Enables Dram scrubbing to write corrected data back
to the memory once a correctable error is detected on
a read transaction.
482C Demand
Disables Demand scrubbing to write corrected data
back to the memory once a correctable error is
detected on a read transaction.
Table 2-1. D4 Token Table
Token Setup Option Description