15 0 1312
14 0 1312
13 0 1312
12 0 1312
11 0 1312
10 0 1312
9 0 1312
8 0 1312
7 0 1312
6 0 1312
5 0 1312
4 0 1312
3 0 1312
2 0 1312
1 0 1312
0 0 8
show ip cam stack-unit
Display CAM entries for a port-pipe of a stack-unit on a S-Series or Z-Series switch.
show ip cam stack-unit {stack-unit-number} [port-set {pipe-
number} | vrf vrf-name {ip-address mask [longer-prefixes [ecmp-
group detail]]}| ecmp-group {detail | member-info [detail
[group-index index-number]]}| summary]
Enter the stack-unit ID.
port-set pipe-
Enter the keyword port-set then the number of the stack
unit’s port-pipe.
The unit ID range is from 0 to 0.
network mask
prefixes [ecmp-
group detail]]
(OPTIONAL) Enter the IP address and mask of a route to
CAM entries for that route only. You can enter one of the
following keywords to filter results.
• Enter the keyword longer-prefixes to view routes
with a common prefix.
• Enter the keyword ecmp-group detail to view the
ECMP group index.
{detail |
[detail [group-
index index-
(OPTIONAL) Enter the keyword ecmp-group then one of the
following keywords to filter results.
• Enter the keyword detail to view the ECMP group
• Enter the keyword member-info to view the member
information for the ECMP group.
• Enter the keyword member-info detail to view
detailed ECMP membership and n-hop information.
IPv4 Routing