Version Description
9.7(0.0) Added support for dynamically fanning-out of interfaces on
S6000. Introduced on the S6000–ON. Introduced on the S6000. Introduced on the S4820T. Introduced on the Z9000. Introduced on the S4810.
Splitting a 40G port into 4x10G port is supported on standalone and stacked units.
stack-unit stack-unit port number portmode quad dynamically fan-out
40G ports to 10G ports and vice-versa without reload in switch. Split ports cannot
be used as stack-link to stack an S4820T system.
The quad port must be in a default configuration before it can be split into 4x10G
ports. The 40G port is lost in the config when the port is split, so be sure that the
port is also removed from other L2/L3 feature configurations.
The system must be reloaded after issuing the CLI for the change to take effect.
This command cannot be used if LR4 optics are inserted on the 40G interface.
Example (stack
unit – Warning
message when
13 ports are
configured in
any port range)
Dell(conf)#stack-unit 0 port 48 portmode quad
Maximum number of ports that can be made Quad mode in the
range <0-63> is configured. Ports 52,56,60, will be disabled
on reload.
Do you wish to continue? [confirm yes/no]:yes
Please save and reset unit 0 for the changes to take effect.
Place an interface in Layer 2 mode.
switchport [backup interface {gigabit slot/port | tengigabit
slot/port | fortyGigE slot/port | port-channel number}]
To remove an interface from Layer 2 mode and place it in Layer 3 mode, enter the
no switchport command. If a switchport backup interface is configured, first
remove the backup configuration. To remove a switchport backup interface, enter
no switchport backup interface {gigabit slot/port |
tengigabit slot/port | fortyGigE slot/port | port-channel
number} command.
Use this option to configure a redundant Layer 2 link without
using Spanning Tree. The keywords backup interface
configures a backup port so that if the primary port fails, the